Originating in 2015, Senshi Ryu was formed by a group of dedicated karateka (karate practitioners) aspiring to create a community of strong students. Senshi Ryu has flourished from our humble beginnings into a club now known for our quality service, broad range of classes, and expertise.
We are a family-oriented club, offering classes for adults, children, and mixed classes where entire families can train and develop together, whilst strengthening family bonds.
We have members of all ages attending our classes for varying reasons; Self-defence, mind and body fitness, increasing confidence or self-esteem, learning discipline and focus, or just for having fun and making friends.
Whatever your reasons, we are absolutely dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.
Our success is due to the fact that we put our club members first. We run classes that are age and ability specific, to ensure members get the training they need. We are here to help you meet your goals, whatever they may be.
Our instructors are selected, not simply because they are good at our Karate system, but because they are good teachers and role models, who put our members first!
We hold comprehensive public liability, Instructor, and member insurance
We have been awarded the safeguarding Code in Martial Arts 'Mark'.
We use only good quality training and safety equipment
Our Instructors are all professionally first aid trained
Our Instructors are DBS cleared to work with children
Our Instructors train regularly themselves to maintain their skills