Instructors, parents and students are expected to be positive, enthusiastic and conscious of their role in helping to create a supportive atmosphere, where we all support each other to achieve our personal goals; and to make our school a centre for enjoyment and development in our community.

Instructors, parents and students do not compete with each other with regard to grade, rather we all do our best to become a better version of ourselves.

Instructors, parents and students do not gossip about others within the school, nor do they carry bad feeling about them at any time.

All Instructors should be addressed as "Sensei" or "Sempai" as appropriate. Class assistants should be addressed respectfully by their first name. Staff and instructors should be treated with respect, at all times, as they are there to help.

Students and parents of young students should be treated with respect at all times, as they are there to learn and facilitate the learning of young people.

Belts should be treated with respect and worn with your uniform at all times. A student should learn to tie their belt as soon as possible, just ask member of the team to show you. If a student loses a belt it must be replaced immediately.

Students must wear their official Senshi Ryu uniform in every class. Persistent failure to adhere to this will result in the student not being able to train. We are proud of our club and a clean and tidy uniform is an important part of training.

Only official Senshi Ryu sparring equipment can be used while participating in sparring training. This is for reasons of safety and fairness.

Personal hygiene standards are expected to be high and uniforms clean at the beginning of classes. Finger and toe nails should be short and well-manicured. Smelly uniforms or bodies are an offence to others, and shows a lack of respect. Long/dirty nails can be dangerous.

Any complaints shall be dealt with using the school's complaints procedure, a copy of which is available on our web site in the members area of or on our web site.